Friday, January 25, 2013

शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े

जानता  हूँ .....
Shlok Ranjan Srivastava
कि अगर जय हिन्द कहा तो .....
बेमानी सा  होगा ...
लेकिन अगले  वर्ष तुझे भूल गए  तो माफ़ करना ....

क्यूंकि देश मेरे तुझे पता नहीं।।।
कि इस गढ़तंत्र में ....
अपने शख्शियत को बचाने के लिए .....
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .....
अपने अक्श को अस्क में बह जाने से बचाने के लिए ......
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .....
इस भाग दौड़ में कुछ पल अपनों के संग बिताने के लिए .....
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .....
इस समाज में अपनी शाख बचाने के लिए .....
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .....

मैं ये नही कहता गलती तुम्हारी ही है ....
लेकिन गलती हमारी भी नहीं .....
इस आजाद परिंदे को पिंजरे से बचाने के लिए .....
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .....

मालूम है सवाल तुम्हारे पास भी होंगे ....
लेकिन याद रखना बस इन्ही सवालो के जवाब ना देना पड़ जाये .....
इसीलिए ......
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .....

क्यूंकि तुझे तो पता ही होगा ......
तेरे दामन पे रहने वाले .....
उन सफ़ेद खादी धारियों को ....
जितना भी मिल जाये वो कम है .......
और हम जैसों को अपने कम को ज्यादा बनाने के लिए .....
अगर तुझे छोड़ के जाना पड़ जाये  तो ......
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .....

कभी थी इंक़िलाब की आग हम में भी .....
कभी छेड़ा था जंग तेरे लिए ......
लेकिन अब अपनों से ही तुझे बचाना है .....
इसीलिए अपनों की लड़ाई से बचने के लिए .....
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .....

सोचा था हम भी कुछ कर के दिखायेंगे .....
दुनिया में तेरा और अपना नाम कमाएंगे .....
पर सोचो जरा अब .....
इन रिजर्वेशन और कोटों को कैसे हटायेंगे ....
इसीलिए किसी दिन इनसे बचने के लिए .....
शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े .........

जो भी हो  भविष्य ....
वर्तमान सुधारना होगा .....
सिर्फ नेताओं को नही ....
हर इंसान को सुधारना होगा ....
फिर सोचूंगा अगले वर्ष मैं  .....
की शायद तुझे भुलाना पड़े  ...... !!!!!!!

                                                                                                Written by : - Shlok Ranjan 

Maha Kumbh At a Glance

A pictorial presentation of MAHA KUMBH 2013 with the camera angles of Shlok and you will get the latest updates.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Capital (Delhi),Capital Punishment and Us : Right or Wrong

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails : William Arthur

Choice is yours complain ,expect to change or adjust the sail, but according to me most of the people as if it is been quite visually cleared that are doing is complaining things out and proving out to be a pessimist.

I am always against the things that are inhuman but it doesn’t mean that I am among the black dotians or the march followers on facebook or Delhi and I want to know that why we are doing this. Is this a way to show off that we are democratic…..i don’t believe so !! This only show that we are still under grown people and will require a lot to get developed……raising hands on valid reason are a part of democracy but the thing that happen in Delhi was a mere accident or you can say a mishappening, we can’t blame our government for this , there are several other issue but surely not this to blame them.

Have we ever thought who is the biggest accused for the mishappening in delhi…it is us …who let that lady lying on the road for more than an hour …….Come on accept this fact….that nobody came for her help on that penultimate time…. And then we come up with march thrusting all our fault on the government and asking to give them CAPITAL PUNISHMENT…what a shit !!! …people who don’t know constitution they can also understandthat its not easy to catch up the emotions in t he court….those accused are neither with political background nor have any multi billionare support from the back…they are just normal people..and as how much I knw our government if there are no such support hands from the back..the judgement will be let the higher authorities decide the type of punishment..its not you and me who will decide things up and if any person wants then he better prepare himself to be a part of the council by a proper channel and then decide…there is no reason to get involve in marches or protest…..!!!!!

We have a government by the people, for the people and of the people…..and then we the people are not good enough in any of the fundamental duty I believe…..So get up guys change ourselves then ther will be no need to carry on any march or to show off a community protest because if the bricks are strong wind cant do anything to the building..

I have lot to say but I know people will not  like my words becoz we do things just for show off……we think that this status can give us more likes or comments and therefore put it up…….this is wrong , we are misguided people who never know that we can also come up with strong points……so do come up with harsh points and comments.. because I am ready for this….because I really do believe that I am a REALIST and I can adjust my sails….!!!

More to come…keep reading