Friday, April 22, 2011




I was never a person of luck and not even a single thing I had in my life without labour.Nature has never treated me as its favorite son as a result I have developed a very cosmic ability of resisting and opposing the toughest circumstances that the destiny keeps on throwing towards me.

The positive that I have extracted to motivate myself after this is "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door – Milton Berle" and guess what happens I have been always out of all the tough circumstances with a increase in my resistibility and sustainability. Although I have now become habitual of this sorts of arena but yet that manly (human) Xing always makes me feel something within me.

What was that?

I always keep on thinking it but never got an answer.


Accidentally on one day I saw a veteran of around 50, with an average height and a lining of wrinkles that were just started their existence on his face but yet a very glowy and lusty skin. A perfect blend of COMPOSURE, EXPOSURE & GESTURE. It was a promotional meeting of a business and that guy was conducting it. He was sharing his personal experiences and was promoting a very profitable business.


He had almost convinced everyone sitting there and his speech was a perfect that it had proven the very fact that yes the business he is promoting is such a profitable and timeless business with such wonderful income methods.


I was that much convinced that I started day-dreaming about the gifts and income that I will go to get from it but something again had stricken me from inside and it was the same very question (mention above) about which I was in search of answer from many years but this time with in no seconds I have diagnosed the answer.


It was the inner feeling of Insecureness that I was having, a fear from taking a challenge without coming out from the Safe-zone. On this context I am remebering a famous quote that is "Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. ". Thinking on the topic I this time taken an immediate decision that THIS IS IT. I WILL TEST MY LABOUR AND WILL RIDE THE DESTINY FROM IT" because  you must have to take the challenges , deal the world and prove it that you better worth more than what you getting in your SAFE-ZONE.


So I have joined that awesome business named "ARL-PARIVAR". It’s a business about which every single person from belonging to any standard can dream and with little labor he can fulfill his every dream.


So guys, this time its my bet and hope you all will be joining it with me……because ARL-PARIVAR  really rockzzz!!!!And in all the economic way !!!!!


If you want to see it online you can visit here


Shlok Ranjan


saket kumar said...

nice concept
keep it up & grow our business.
all d best.

Saket Kumar

abdulmunam786 said...
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abdulmunam786 said...

Good Idea Sir....


Abdul Munam