Saturday, January 9, 2010
My Animation Work
This is a link of my Animation Work. If , you are free and want to have some fun , you can visit it.......
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Formula For Success

"Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can.” – Thomas J. Watson
Bang !!!!! A heavy noise with a small whirling cloud of dust just above few centimeters from the ground circumferencing a creature of human race who was on the ground with his face occupying the place of those dispersed dust particles which were the part of those cloud of dust and now were finding the place to settle down to prove the worth of their existence.
The impact was associated with the insightful thought that came in my dumb mind like a beam of enlightment and me who was till the time howling in the pain was suddenly stimulated with the thought.Laid in the same very position I puffed out a stream of warm carbon di-oxide vigorously towards the ground that was merely inches away from my face resulting as another blow to those dust particles which were just settled after the first impact.I allowed the dust particles to settled down over my body without creating any obstruction in their universal process of settling in which they have got expertise from the beginning of our geographical existence.
Earlier to this incident I have a mind set up that the term "Successful" is used for those people who have got a natural instinct of overcoming every constant obstacle placed by life with a lesser margin of error in comparision to others.But being still on the ground and observing those dust particles dancing and colliding with each other in the air to find their place.I got my answer that What SUCCESS exactly is? and who are successful?
Let me explain you with the example of those dust particles,
If you think broadly,you will notice that the quantity of successful people are very few in comparision to their counterpart i.e. those who are not successful but this doesn't means that these unsuccessful people dont have the caliber.
They have got every thing in them but the thing that was different
on their end was the IMPACT or may be their input was not upto the mark in accordance to the IMPACT.
Let me generalise it for you , just recall the whole process in sequence When my body has fallen on to the ground , it has created an impact to those dust particles which came in the range of the impact and as a result those dust particles were blown up in the air but the intensity of impact to some blown up particles were more whereas some blown particles have received lesser intensity of impact.
Now those paricles who had received greater impact were blown up higher in the air,whereas those who had received lighter impact were closer to the ground.As a result those dust particles which were closer to the ground found it easy to get their original places whereas those dust particles which had recieved greater impact had either have to race for their places or will have to wait for the another impact to prove themselves.
Just like that nature also places impact by putting up various type of obstacles.
It is true that these obstacle placed by nature are not for everyone, It is only for the people of that zone which comes under the region of IMPACT,and similarily just like dust particle case those people for which the impact has lighter intensity will get the the SUCCESS easily and those who had received greater impact will have to put up more effort or have to learn with their failure that "How to overcome the next impact to reach at the top ?."
And if the person is able to do he will be there in the list with Mahatma Gandhi, Madam Curie, Nelson Mendela, Amitabh Bachchan , Dhiru Bhai Ambani etc for whom the intensity was at its highest level but yet they came out of this and known as SUCCESSFUL persons and you know why becuase THEY ROCKZZZ !! But in a slightly diffterent way.
- Shlok Ranjan
The impact was associated with the insightful thought that came in my dumb mind like a beam of enlightment and me who was till the time howling in the pain was suddenly stimulated with the thought.Laid in the same very position I puffed out a stream of warm carbon di-oxide vigorously towards the ground that was merely inches away from my face resulting as another blow to those dust particles which were just settled after the first impact.I allowed the dust particles to settled down over my body without creating any obstruction in their universal process of settling in which they have got expertise from the beginning of our geographical existence.
Earlier to this incident I have a mind set up that the term "Successful" is used for those people who have got a natural instinct of overcoming every constant obstacle placed by life with a lesser margin of error in comparision to others.But being still on the ground and observing those dust particles dancing and colliding with each other in the air to find their place.I got my answer that What SUCCESS exactly is? and who are successful?
Let me explain you with the example of those dust particles,
If you think broadly,you will notice that the quantity of successful people are very few in comparision to their counterpart i.e. those who are not successful but this doesn't means that these unsuccessful people dont have the caliber.
They have got every thing in them but the thing that was different
on their end was the IMPACT or may be their input was not upto the mark in accordance to the IMPACT.
Let me generalise it for you , just recall the whole process in sequence When my body has fallen on to the ground , it has created an impact to those dust particles which came in the range of the impact and as a result those dust particles were blown up in the air but the intensity of impact to some blown up particles were more whereas some blown particles have received lesser intensity of impact.
Now those paricles who had received greater impact were blown up higher in the air,whereas those who had received lighter impact were closer to the ground.As a result those dust particles which were closer to the ground found it easy to get their original places whereas those dust particles which had recieved greater impact had either have to race for their places or will have to wait for the another impact to prove themselves.
Just like that nature also places impact by putting up various type of obstacles.
It is true that these obstacle placed by nature are not for everyone, It is only for the people of that zone which comes under the region of IMPACT,and similarily just like dust particle case those people for which the impact has lighter intensity will get the the SUCCESS easily and those who had received greater impact will have to put up more effort or have to learn with their failure that "How to overcome the next impact to reach at the top ?."
And if the person is able to do he will be there in the list with Mahatma Gandhi, Madam Curie, Nelson Mendela, Amitabh Bachchan , Dhiru Bhai Ambani etc for whom the intensity was at its highest level but yet they came out of this and known as SUCCESSFUL persons and you know why becuase THEY ROCKZZZ !! But in a slightly diffterent way.
- Shlok Ranjan
Friday, January 1, 2010
1.Get and stay out of your comfort zone.
I believe that not much happens of any significance when we're in our comfort zone. I hear people say, "But I'm concerned about security." My response to that is simple: "Security is for cadavers."
2.Never give up.
Almost nothing works the first time it's attempted. Just because what you're doing does not seem to be working, doesn't mean it won't work. It just means that it might not work the way you're doing it. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, and you wouldn't have an opportunity.
3.When you're ready to quit, you're closer than you think.
There's an old Chinese saying that I just love, and I believe it is so true. It goes like this: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
4.With regard to whatever worries you, not only accept the worst thing that could happen, but make it a point to quantify what the worst thing could be.
Very seldom will the worst consequence be anywhere near as bad as a cloud of "undefined consequences." My father would tell me early on, when I was struggling and losing my shirt trying to get Parsons Technology going, "Well, Robert, if it doesn't work, they can't eat you."
5.Focus on what you want to have happen.
Remember that old saying, "As you think, so shall you be."
6.Take things a day at a time.
No matter how difficult your situation is, you can get through it if you don't look too far into the future, and focus on the present moment. You can get through anything one day at a time.
7.Always be moving forward.
Never stop investing. Never stop improving. Never stop doing something new. The moment you stop improving your organization, it starts to die. Make it your goal to be better each and every day, in some small way. Remember the Japanese concept of Kaizen. Small daily improvements eventually result in huge advantages.
8.Be quick to decide.
Remember what General George S. Patton said: "A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow."
9.Measure everything of significance.
I swear this is true. Anything that is measured and watched, improves.
10.Anything that is not managed will deteriorate.
If you want to uncover problems you don't know about, take a few moments and look closely at the areas you haven't examined for a while. I guarantee you problems will be there.
11.Pay attention to your competitors, but pay more attention to what you're doing.
When you look at your competitors, remember that everything looks perfect at a distance.Even the planet Earth, if you get far enough into space, looks like a peaceful place.
12.Never let anybody push you around.
In our society, with our laws and even playing field, you have just as much right to what you're doing as anyone else, provided that what you're doing is legal.
13.Never expect life to be fair.
Life isn't fair. You make your own breaks. You'll be doing good if the only meaning fair has to you, is something that you pay when you get on a bus (i.e., fare).
14.Solve your own problems.
You'll find that by coming up with your own solutions, you'll develop a competitive edge. Masura Ibuka, the co-founder of SONY, said it best: "You never succeed in technology, business, or anything by following the others." There's also an old Asian saying that I remind myself of frequently. It goes like this: "A wise man keeps his own counsel."
15.Don't take yourself too seriously.
Lighten up. Often, at least half of what we accomplish is due to luck.None of us are in control as much as we like to think we are.
16.There's always a reason to smile.
Find it. After all, you're really lucky just to be alive. Life is short. More and more, I agree with my little brother.He always reminds me: "We're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time!"
By - Bob Parson (Godaddy)
1.Get and stay out of your comfort zone.
I believe that not much happens of any significance when we're in our comfort zone. I hear people say, "But I'm concerned about security." My response to that is simple: "Security is for cadavers."
2.Never give up.
Almost nothing works the first time it's attempted. Just because what you're doing does not seem to be working, doesn't mean it won't work. It just means that it might not work the way you're doing it. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, and you wouldn't have an opportunity.
3.When you're ready to quit, you're closer than you think.
There's an old Chinese saying that I just love, and I believe it is so true. It goes like this: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
4.With regard to whatever worries you, not only accept the worst thing that could happen, but make it a point to quantify what the worst thing could be.
Very seldom will the worst consequence be anywhere near as bad as a cloud of "undefined consequences." My father would tell me early on, when I was struggling and losing my shirt trying to get Parsons Technology going, "Well, Robert, if it doesn't work, they can't eat you."
5.Focus on what you want to have happen.
Remember that old saying, "As you think, so shall you be."
6.Take things a day at a time.
No matter how difficult your situation is, you can get through it if you don't look too far into the future, and focus on the present moment. You can get through anything one day at a time.
7.Always be moving forward.
Never stop investing. Never stop improving. Never stop doing something new. The moment you stop improving your organization, it starts to die. Make it your goal to be better each and every day, in some small way. Remember the Japanese concept of Kaizen. Small daily improvements eventually result in huge advantages.
8.Be quick to decide.
Remember what General George S. Patton said: "A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow."
9.Measure everything of significance.
I swear this is true. Anything that is measured and watched, improves.
10.Anything that is not managed will deteriorate.
If you want to uncover problems you don't know about, take a few moments and look closely at the areas you haven't examined for a while. I guarantee you problems will be there.
11.Pay attention to your competitors, but pay more attention to what you're doing.
When you look at your competitors, remember that everything looks perfect at a distance.Even the planet Earth, if you get far enough into space, looks like a peaceful place.
12.Never let anybody push you around.
In our society, with our laws and even playing field, you have just as much right to what you're doing as anyone else, provided that what you're doing is legal.
13.Never expect life to be fair.
Life isn't fair. You make your own breaks. You'll be doing good if the only meaning fair has to you, is something that you pay when you get on a bus (i.e., fare).
14.Solve your own problems.
You'll find that by coming up with your own solutions, you'll develop a competitive edge. Masura Ibuka, the co-founder of SONY, said it best: "You never succeed in technology, business, or anything by following the others." There's also an old Asian saying that I remind myself of frequently. It goes like this: "A wise man keeps his own counsel."
15.Don't take yourself too seriously.
Lighten up. Often, at least half of what we accomplish is due to luck.None of us are in control as much as we like to think we are.
16.There's always a reason to smile.
Find it. After all, you're really lucky just to be alive. Life is short. More and more, I agree with my little brother.He always reminds me: "We're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time!"
By - Bob Parson (Godaddy)
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